There are now nearly 30 core maintainers working on Svelte in different capacities and areas (list as of January 2022).
3 of the core members work at Vercel:
Contrary to Next.js, Svelte is not owned by Vercel or any company.
Some work is financed with donations through Open Collective.
The community is smaller in comparison but very well organised.
A lot of activity is based around «Svelte Society».
Among the events is the biannual Svelte Summit conference.
Smaller talks and events are regularly held on their YouTube channel and in the official Svelte Discord server.
Svelte Sirens focus on supporting women and non-binary people.
Svelte is a superset of the «web»:
Fun fact: an empty *.svelte
file is already a valid Svelte component.
a.k.a. «JavaScript full-stack frameworks».
What makes them «meta» is that they include other frameworks:
SSG/SSR are a major selling point for SEO and performance.
But you can easily build single-page applications (SPA) with them and still benefit from other advantages.
My 🔥? take: meta frameworks should be the default in most cases.
SvelteKit is the default way to create Svelte apps now. You don't get any additional complexity or difficulty if you don't need advanced features.